Bouffées de chaleur : Les différentes causes et les solutions naturelles associées

Hot flashes: The different causes and associated natural solutions

How to reduce hot flashes?

Hot flashes are a disconcerting experience for many women. Without warning, they invade our bodies with a sharp feeling of warmth, often described as uncomfortable or embarrassing.

Statistically, nearly 80% of women experience or will experience hot flashes during their lifetime, over a period of up to 8 to 10 years .

Intense heat, facial flushing, excessive sweating, palpitations.

So yes, at first glance, these symptoms seem harmless, "simple discomforts" that are often even trivialized. But in the long term, the impact is very real and, as we know, it affects the quality of life of far too many women.

However, when we understand the origin of these hot flashes, it is immediately easier to find a targeted and adapted solution to no longer suffer from them on a daily basis.


So, what can be the causes of hot flashes and how to identify them? And above all, how to reduce or avoid these hot flashes? We explain everything to you today.

What are the possible causes of hot flashes?

There are several possible causes of hot flashes. There are hot flashes that are triggered by specific events and hot flashes that appear spontaneously for no apparent reason.

Identifying the cause of our hot flashes is a crucial step since it is what will allow us to find the most suitable and specific solution to our needs in order to alleviate these unwanted symptoms.

Because we have all experienced it... The solution that worked miracles for our neighbor is not necessarily the right one for us since the same symptom can have multiple and varied causes.

Hence the importance of correctly targeting the cause of our hot flashes in order to choose the solutions that are best suited to our own needs. And the good news is that our body speaks to us rather well and sends us a multitude of signals that can help us very easily identify these causes.

Food and drinks

A glass of wine or a spicy curry?

We all have our own sensitivity. But for some women, eating spicy foods , alcohol , very hot foods or sometimes even coffee can cause a skin flush characterized by redness on the face , a feeling of heat and sometimes even sweating . 

Why? Because these foods and drinks are known to stimulate our body temperature regulation system, which can cause hot flashes that are temporary and exclusively linked to the consumption of certain products and the cause is easily identified.


Stress & Anxiety

Who hasn't felt this sensation?

You realize when you arrive at the airport that you left your passport on the table in your living room... And then you feel a lump settling in your stomach (a sign of abdominal contractions stopping), your heart racing ( tachycardia and palpitations ) and a sudden feeling of heat ?

This is the effect of adrenaline , a hormone that is secreted in response to strong emotion. Again, the hot flashes that result are temporary and linked to a specific event.


This is probably the most common cause of hot flashes in women: our hormones.

When we talk about hot flashes of hormonal origin, we tend to only think of menopause, which is indeed often implicated. But it is important to understand that there are actually 3 very distinct hormonal causes which will therefore lead to very different treatments.

Hormonal hot flashes

Hormonal fluctuations can cause many symptoms . And in particular, these famous hot flashes which can be the sign of different hormonal imbalances.


The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck that regulates the body's basic metabolism by speeding it up.

In some women, the thyroid can go into overdrive . They then produce too much thyroid hormone which will cause different symptoms. This is called hyperthyroidism and it is a common cause of hot flashes.

The symptoms of hyperthyroidism are not always suggestive (i.e. they are not specific to this pathology). We find in particular:

  • Spontaneous hot flashes
  • Excessive sweating
  • An intense thirst
  • Rapid weight loss (without loss of appetite)
  • Palpitations
  • Tremors of the extremities
  • Mood disorders or depressive symptoms
  • ...

If you notice that you have several of the symptoms presented above, it will be important to talk to your doctor to do additional tests.

On the other hand, if among this list, you are only concerned by spontaneous hot flashes, read on to better understand what is happening to you.


Hot flashes just before your period?

Contrary to the widespread belief that hot flashes are due to a deficiency in estrogen, it is actually the fact that there is a sudden hormonal drop that causes hot flashes.

However, in the "normal" menstrual cycle, estrogens are produced in the first part of the cycle, that is to say just after the period, then we observe a drop in the synthesis of these estrogens just before ovulation. And in the second part of the cycle, after ovulation, progesterone is produced this time, the drop of which will cause the following period .


Each month , all women experience a drop in estrogen production at the time of ovulation.

But in some women, this hormonal drop can happen too quickly, abruptly, which can lead to the occurrence of hot flashes , even outside the menopause period.

The signs that you are in this situation are:

  • Menstrual cycles still regular
  • Hot flashes only in the 2nd part of the cycle (i.e. just before your period)

And if this sudden drop is associated with estrogen levels that are too high, we will also notice painful periods or a heavy flow of periods.

Hot flashes and increasingly irregular cycles?

This is what we observe when we reach perimenopause , a period known for its hormonal fluctuations .

During this transition period that is menopause, sex hormones fluctuate and their production will notably drop successively. If these drops occur gradually, they can go unnoticed. But when they occur suddenly , they can become symptomatic, leading in particular to the appearance of these famous hot flashes .

During menopause , there are several distinct periods .


The drop in estrogen , in addition to causing increasingly irregular menstrual cycles, can cause, if it occurs suddenly:

  • Hot flashes at night
  • Night sweats
  • Irritability
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Dryness of the mucous membranes (oral mucous membranes, vulvar mucous membranes)

The drop in androgens can cause, if it occurs suddenly:

  • Hot flashes day and night
  • Sweating day and night
  • Joint & muscle pain
  • Dry skin
  • Muscle loss

Solutions to Reduce Hot Flashes

Avoid triggers

Alcohol, spicy foods, and caffeine can make hot flashes worse. Try to limit or avoid these as much as possible.

Use relaxation techniques

Practicing deep breathing, yoga, or meditation can help reduce chronic anxiety and stress as well as the intensity of hot flashes.

Rebalance your hormones

Zinc, an essential hormonal regulator throughout a woman's life , is essential to help relieve and reduce hot flashes. At any age, it helps regulate both the synthesis of our sex hormones and our thyroid hormones. Always choose a well-assimilated form such as bisglycinate to guarantee optimal effectiveness and a minimum of side effects.

In the face of any hormonal imbalance, it is also essential to ensure an optimal intake of fatty acids to promote good synthesis of our hormones. Evening primrose oil is very interesting here because, rich in omega 6, it has anti-inflammatory properties in addition to its intake of essential fatty acids. To be supplemented with a daily intake of omega 3 (linseed oil, rapeseed, walnuts and small oily fish), essential for the heart, brain, inflammation and our precious hormones.

Finally, depending on the hormonal imbalance identified, there are also specific actions to take to bring comfort and well-being on a daily basis.

  • Are you concerned by symptoms that indicate hyperthyroidism?

It is essential to consult your doctor to have a complete thyroid assessment in order to make an accurate diagnosis. Depending on this, your healthcare professionals will be able to direct you towards the solutions best suited to your needs.

On the plant side, if hyperthyroidism is indeed diagnosed, Lycope has a recognized activity to slow down thyroid stimulation.

  • Are you experiencing hot flashes before your period starts?

You can also help your body slow down the synthesis of estrogen so that the drop is less brutal thanks to medicinal plants such as Chasteberry . Taken at the time when the ovaries produce our estrogen, it is known to help them slow down the production of this hormone and helps our body restart a “normal” synthesis of our hormones.

To make your life easier, our CYCLENDO formula contains Chasteberry as well as zinc bisglycinate and Rhodiola, a plant that helps manage stress.

  • Are you affected by hot flashes during menopause?

You can then help your body slow the drop in estrogen if your symptoms are only nocturnal , in particular thanks to Black Cohosh .

To make your life easier, our OCLIMAE formula contains Black Cohosh and zinc bisglycinate to soothe nighttime hot flashes.

Or you can help your body slow the drops in estrogen and androgen if your symptoms are night and day , particularly with Sage and Tribulus .

To make your life easier, our OEMENO formula contains Sage and Tribulus as well as zinc bisglycinate for comfort during menopause.

Be careful, however, plants that act on estrogens are not recommended for women with a history of hormone-dependent cancers.

Hot flashes are not inevitable

As you can see, hot flashes can be caused by multiple and varied hormonal changes such as menopause and thyroid disorders. But although they are uncomfortable, there are solutions to manage them and find some relief to regain comfort and well-being at every stage of life.