symptômes et solutions pour prévenir soulager syndrome ovaires polykystiques

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Definition, Symptoms, and Natural Solutions

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Definition, Symptoms, and Natural Solutions

Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is the most common hormonal pathology in France and affects more than 1 in 10 women . However, it is still not talked about enough and the medical delay before making a diagnosis is on average 7 years.

Hirsutism? Hormonal acne? Irregular cycles? Difficulty losing weight?...

Symptoms are varied and manifest themselves in different ways and with different intensity depending on the woman. Hence the difficult and often disappointing treatment of women with PCOS.

However, when you understand the cause and the mechanisms involved in polycystic ovary syndrome, it is immediately easier to find a solution adapted to your needs.

So, what is polycystic ovary syndrome ? What are the symptoms associated with it and how can you relieve them naturally ? We'll explain it all to you today.

What is polycystic ovarian syndrome?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), also known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome, is today the leading hormonal disorder in women in France.

We are talking here more about a disorder than a pathology since it is actually a set of several symptoms that, when associated together, allow us to make the diagnosis of PCOS. In this case, there are 3 symptoms suggestive of polycystic ovary syndrome and 2 out of the 3 must be identified in order to make the diagnosis of PCOS.

3 symptoms suggestive of PCOS

A polycystic appearance on ultrasound

The first symptom is this appearance of small cysts observed on ultrasound.

But contrary to what its name may suggest, polycystic ovary syndrome is not associated with the presence of cysts. In reality, the hormonal imbalance present will prevent the follicles present inside the ovaries from reaching maturity.

In this case, the ovaries do not produce enough estrogen , the hormone that allows our follicles to develop. These small follicles will therefore accumulate in the ovary, which gives the appearance of small cysts on ultrasound.

Irregular cycles

Follicles are small sacs found in the ovaries, inside which the egg cell is located. What is an egg cell? It is the name given to the egg cell before it is released from the ovaries to reach the uterus.

So precisely, if our follicles (which contain our precious eggs) do not mature, that means that the egg will not be expelled... In other words, there will be no ovulation .

This is precisely the second symptom suggestive of PCOS.

These rarer or even absent ovulations will cause irregular cycles (which last more than 35/40 days) or sometimes even the complete absence of periods (what we call amenorrhea ).

This is also the reason why PCOS is considered the leading cause of infertility in France.

But here too, it is important to clarify that contrary to popular belief, PCOS does not make you sterile. In reality, not producing enough estrogen prevents women from ovulating regularly . It is this irregularity of cycles that makes “procreation” more difficult… But not impossible.

Especially when we take action to support our hormones.


A hormonal imbalance

The third symptom suggestive of PCOS requires a biological assessment since it involves the presence of an excess of androgen hormones in the blood, particularly testosterone.

Except that in women, these androgenic hormones can result in various unwanted symptoms:

  • hormonal acne located on the jaw, shoulders and back
  • hirsutism (i.e. excess hair growth)
  • hair loss on the top of the head
  • being overweight or having difficulty losing weight because excess testosterone causes insulin resistance

But why do we produce too much androgen and testosterone?

Well, here again, the explanation is quite simple… It is actually a compensation mechanism of our body. As the body always seeks to preserve its balance, faced with insufficient production of estrogen (which prevents the follicles from maturing and therefore causes rarer or even absent ovulations), the body will seek to compensate by producing a lot of testosterone.

Why? Because this excess testosterone can actually be transformed into estrogen.

The circle is complete and we therefore better understand all the symptoms that can suggest polycystic ovary syndrome.

It should be noted here that PCOS does not manifest itself in the same way in all women and that only 2 out of 3 symptoms are needed for the diagnosis to be made .
We also understand better why some women with PCOS do not necessarily have this polycystic appearance on ultrasound or why we do not systematically find excess testosterone in women with PCOS.


Our 3 tips for living better with PCOS

To find an effective and appropriate solution, the first step is to understand the cause of polycystic ovary syndrome.

To summarize what we have just seen, PCOS is a disorder characterized by a hormonal imbalance between estrogen and testosterone. The body does not produce enough estrogen and will compensate by producing too much testosterone.

By acting on our hormones, we can therefore improve all the symptoms that ruin the daily lives of so many women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome.

And fortunately, there are several avenues to explore to naturally rebalance our hormones and find a peaceful daily life.

Here are the 3 main areas to take care of for women who suffer from PCOS.

(Re)putting fatty acids on our plates

Our hormones are made from… fat!

Yes, the very thing we tend to demonize and remove from our plates (especially when we have acne and difficulty losing weight) is ultimately one of our most valuable allies.
Well, obviously, I'm not telling you to eat exclusively fast food and fried food at every meal. But to (re)put the good fatty acids on your plates.
So what are these good fatty acids?

  • Uncooked vegetable oils: 2 tablespoons per day (we prefer oils rich in omega 3 such as flax, walnut, camelina, rapeseed, etc. and we don't hesitate to vary the pleasures)
  • Oily fish: 3 times a week, think SMASH (Sardines, Mackerel, Anchovies, Salmon, Herring)
  • For those who don't like fish: Omega 3 EPA/DHA every day
  • Oilseeds: a handful a day

You can also opt for evening primrose oil, a vegetable oil rich in omega 6 which is involved in the production of type 1 prostaglandins. That is to say, it slows down the mechanisms of inflammation.


Doing liver detoxes

Once they have done their job, the hormones are eliminated so that the body can make new ones. In this case, it is the liver that allows this elimination, which is called “ hormonal detoxification by the liver ”.

So, if the liver does its job less well, this will result in poor elimination of “old hormones” and therefore poor production of “new hormones”.

To avoid this, we therefore recommend doing 1 to 2 detoxes per year with a light diet rich in fruits and vegetables, plenty of hydration and a little help from plants to support the work of our liver (milk thistle, rosemary, turmeric, fumitory or even artichoke and black radish).

Herbal medicine and micronutrition for PCOS

Phytotherapy and micronutrition are valuable disciplines for correcting an already established hormonal imbalance. By providing the body with what it needs to produce hormones and by boosting or slowing down certain syntheses, these natural solutions can become real allies.

  • Restore the balance between estrogen and testosterone thanks to Hops and Alfalfa , 2 plants known to boost the production of estrogen while slowing that of testosterone.
  • Regulate blood sugar with Chromium and Myo-inositol . Chromium (0.040 mg per day in the form of picolinate for optimal assimilation) is a valuable mineral to help us manage our weight by regulating blood sugar. Myo-inositol (2 to 4 g per day) is a sugar found in food that helps the body respond better to insulin, the hormone that helps us regulate blood sugar.
  • Regulate metabolic function with Turmeric or Olive Leaf , two plants known for their beneficial and preventive effects on the metabolic level.
  • Act on the inflammatory syndrome using evening primrose or borage oil, as well as omega 3 or turmeric extracts enriched with curcuminoids (contraindicated in people taking anticoagulants).
  • Provide vitamins and minerals (15 mg of Zinc per day, in the form of bisglycinate for optimal assimilation) essential for the production of our hormones.

EQUILIBRIST to help you balance your hormones

To make your life easier, we have combined in our OPEKA formula , Hops, Alfalfa, Turmeric, Olive Tree and the vitamins and minerals essential to the production of our hormones to help you restore the balance between estrogen and testosterone and thus fight effectively and sustainably against polycystic ovary syndrome.


Living well with PCOS: it’s possible

In conclusion, polycystic ovary syndrome is a complex hormonal disorder that can have significant impacts on the health and well-being of women who suffer from it.

But by identifying the causes of the different symptoms, adopting a holistic approach and exploring natural solutions , it is possible to relieve the symptoms of PCOS and improve one's quality of life.

Do not hesitate to consult a health professional to obtain personalized advice and follow-up adapted to your situation.